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Καλωσήρθατε στους Greek Duelists. Με την εγγραφή σας θα μπορείτε να συμμετέχετε σε όλες τις συζητήσεις του forum μας, να κάνετε ανταλλαγές με αλλα members καθως και να συμμετέχετε σε online Yu-Gi-Oh! tournaments αλλα και αλλους διαγωνισμους οπως η κάρτα της εβδομάδας. Καλή Διασκέδαση!
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 ace's Trade Corner

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3 posters
Underworld Executor
Underworld Executor

Αριθμός μηνυμάτων : 319
Reputation : 28
Ημερομηνία εγγραφής : 2011-06-06
Ηλικία : 30
Τόπος : Glyfada

ace's Trade Corner Empty
PostSubject: ace's Trade Corner   ace's Trade Corner Icon_minitime1Sun 08 Sep 2013, 21:24

Ξεκινάω καινούρια λίστα με haves για να μην ψαχνόμαστε. Παρακαλείτε κάποιος Admin/Mod να κλειδώσει το παλιό topic.

Synchro Section: (Various Synchro Monsters)

Frozen Fitzgerald - UScR (Missprinted)
Nitro Warrior - ScR
Power Tool Dragon - ScR
Ancient Fairy Dragon - ScR
X-Saber Urbellum - ScR
Flamvell Uruquizas - ScR
Infernity Doom Dragon - UtR
Road Warrior - UR
Junk Destroyer - UR
Chaos-King Archfiend - UR
X-Saber Wayne - SR
X-Saber Urbellum - SR
Junk Warrior - R
Armory Arm - R
Nitro Warrior - R
Majestic Star Dragon - R

Monster Section: (Monsters catergorized by type or arch.)

Interesting Stuff:
Prime Material Dragon - GUR
Super Conductor Tyrrano - UR
Exodd, Master of The Guard - UR
Earthbound Immortal Cusiu - UR
Honest - UR
Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon - SR
Gandora the Dragon of Destruction - SR
The Wicked Avatar - SR
Super-Electromagnetic Voltech Dragon - SR

Simorgh, Bird of Divinity - UR (X2)
Dark Simorgh - SR
Unibird - SR

Return Zombie - ScR
Double Coston - R
Zombie Master - R
Vampire Lord - R (X3)

Phonexian Cluster Amaryllis - SR (Phonexian Seed - C included)
Revival Rose - R
Inmato - R
Cherry Inmato - R

Endymion, the Master Magician - UR
Dark Eradicator Warlock - UR
Card Ejector - UR
D.D.M. - DD Master - R (X2)

Yusei style:
Rapid Warrior - SR
Synchron Explorer - SR
Road Synchron - SR
Shield Warrior - R
Hyper Synchron - R
Turbo Synchron - R
Turbo Rocket - R
Doppelwarrior - R

Symphonic Warriors:
SW Drumss - SR
SW Piaano - R

Des Feral Imp - UR
Alien Overlord - R

Koa'Ki Meiru:
K'M Ice - R (K'M Shield - R X3 included)

Naturia Antjaw - SR
Naturia Sunflower - SR

Other Monsters: (Not so interesting)
Infernity Dwarf - SR
Counselor Lily - SR
Lanceer Dragonute - SR
BW Kochi thw Daybreak - R
Zeradias, Herald of Heaven - R
Sasuke Samurai #3 - R
Millenium Scorpion - R
Evolsar Vulcano - R
Akz, the Pumer - R
Archfiend General - R
Djinn, Prognosticator of Rituals - R
Rampage Rhinos - R
Berformet - R
Fusion Devourer - R
Tradetoad - R (Various C "Frog"/"Toad" included - just ask)
Warrior of Atlantis - R (X2)
Wingtortoise - R
Deepsea Macrrotrema - R

Hidden Arsenal 01:
Various Monsters, just ask

Hidden Arsenal 05:
Gishki Cards, including Ritual Monsters, just ask
Laval Cards, including Synchro Monsters, just ask

Wind-Up Zenmaister - SR (X2)
Wind-Up Juggler - SR
Wind-Up Factory - SR (X2)
Wind-Up Magician - R (X2)
Wind-Up Snail - R (X2)
Wind-Up Knight - R
Wind-Up Warrior - C (X2)
Wind-Up Soldier - C (X3)
Overwind - C (X2)
Zenmairch - C

V Doomfire - UR
V Rocket - GUR
Lava Golem - UR
Royal Firestorm Guards - GUR
Flamvell Firedog - R (X2)
Firewall - R
Tri-Blaze Accelerator - SR
Blaze Accelerator - C (X3)
Other Volcanic Common Cards included, just ask

Spell Card Section: (Various Spell Cards catergorized by type)

Ruthless Denial - SR
One for One - R
Summoner's Art - R
Flash of the Forbidden Spell - R

Foolish Return - R

The Fountain in the Sky - R (X2)
Electromagnetic Shield - R (X2)
Degenerate Circuit - R

Fighting Spirit - R

Wattcastle - R
Ojama Country - R

Trap Card Section: (A few Trap Cards, no need for catergories)

Starlight Road - ScR
Energy-Absorbing Monolith - SR
Xyz Veil - SR
Legacy of Yata-Garasu - SR (X2)
Brutal Potion - SR
Life Equalizer - R
Spell Reclamation - R
Blackwing - Backlash - R
Fire Darts - R
Glorious Illusion - R
Tyrant's Throes - R
Berserking - R
Elemental Absorber - R
Copy Knight - R

Greedy Bastard Section: (Cards widely reprinted in lower rarities. Just for show-off)

Shield Crush - ScR
Birthright - SR
Card Destruction - SR
Ancient Gear Castle - SR
Soul Exchange - SR
Symbols of Duty - R
Hand Destruction - R
Stop Defence - R
Lucky Iron Axe - R (X2)
Negate Attack - R
Rainbow Life - R
Cry Havoc! - R
Skull Invitation - R

Vauable Commons Section: (High-Value Common Cards)

Solemn Judgment (SDLS)
Monster Reborn (SDJ)
Monster Reborn (SDP)
Upstart Goblin (DB1)

Collector's Section: (Relatively useless cards, but great collector pieces)

Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon - ScR
Dark Magic Curtain - ScR (X2)
Blue-Eyes White Dragon - UR (SDK)
Red-Eyes Black Dragon - UR (SDJ)
Gilford the Legend - UR
Ring of Defence - UR
Red-Eyes Black Metal Dragon - SR (X2)
Elemental Hero Lady Heat - SR
Javelin Beetle - SR (X2)
Zera the Mant + Zera Ritual - SR (X3)
Shadow Spell - SR
Rare Metalmorph - R
Hero Medal - R
D-Chain - R
Clock Tower Prison - R
Revoke Fusion - R
Neos Force - R
Bubble Shuffle - R
Neo-Spacian Aqua Dolphin - R
Cyber Laser Dragon - R
Cyber Barrier Dragon - R
Paladin of White Dragon - R
VWXYZ-Dragon Catapult Cannon - R
XYZ-Dragon Cannon - SR
VW-Tiger Catapult - R
V,W,X,Y,Z Common Monsters

Common Cards Section:

Feel free to ask for any kind of Common Card. I have them all catergorized so I dont mind searching for the one you want. It will not take more than 10 minutes. Because of the Large Number (approx. 3000+) I will not post any here.

Wants Section:
[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] (my wants)
[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] (sin's wants)

Last edited by ace94 on Mon 09 Sep 2013, 05:28; edited 2 times in total
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Αριθμός μηνυμάτων : 1244
Reputation : 47
Ημερομηνία εγγραφής : 2011-06-06
Τόπος : The Sanctuary in the Sky

ace's Trade Corner Empty
PostSubject: Re: ace's Trade Corner   ace's Trade Corner Icon_minitime1Mon 09 Sep 2013, 01:27

Ειναι εύκολο να κλειδωθεί το παλιό topic (μάλιστα ειναι ηδη κλειδωμένο απο το Γιώργο) αλλα γιατι δεν έκανες απλα ενα edit εκει; Απλα το εχω απορία : P
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Underworld Executor
Underworld Executor

Αριθμός μηνυμάτων : 319
Reputation : 28
Ημερομηνία εγγραφής : 2011-06-06
Ηλικία : 30
Τόπος : Glyfada

ace's Trade Corner Empty
PostSubject: Re: ace's Trade Corner   ace's Trade Corner Icon_minitime1Mon 09 Sep 2013, 01:31

Too mainstream... too many posts there etc.
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Αριθμός μηνυμάτων : 1233
Reputation : 15
Ημερομηνία εγγραφής : 2011-06-06
Ηλικία : 30
Τόπος : στις καρδιές σας

ace's Trade Corner Empty
PostSubject: Re: ace's Trade Corner   ace's Trade Corner Icon_minitime1Mon 21 Oct 2013, 00:06

Χάζευα λίστες γενικά κι αόριστα και έπεσα πάνω σε αυτά, για τα οπόια δεν μπορώ να μη ρωτήσω... :Ρ

ace94 wrote:
Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon - ScR
Dark Magic Curtain - ScR (X2)
Blue-Eyes White Dragon - UR (SDK)
Red-Eyes Black Dragon - UR (SDJ)
Έχει αρχίσει να με πιάνει τρέλα με τις παλιές κάρτες τελευταία.
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Underworld Executor
Underworld Executor

Αριθμός μηνυμάτων : 319
Reputation : 28
Ημερομηνία εγγραφής : 2011-06-06
Ηλικία : 30
Τόπος : Glyfada

ace's Trade Corner Empty
PostSubject: Re: ace's Trade Corner   ace's Trade Corner Icon_minitime1Mon 21 Oct 2013, 01:23

Διαθέσιμα και συζητήσιμα... Απλά έχω μόνο ένα Curtain πλέον...
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Αριθμός μηνυμάτων : 1233
Reputation : 15
Ημερομηνία εγγραφής : 2011-06-06
Ηλικία : 30
Τόπος : στις καρδιές σας

ace's Trade Corner Empty
PostSubject: Re: ace's Trade Corner   ace's Trade Corner Icon_minitime1Mon 21 Oct 2013, 02:36

Χαίρομαι που υπάρχουν.

Για πες πάνω κάτω τι ψάχνεις.

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Underworld Executor
Underworld Executor

Αριθμός μηνυμάτων : 319
Reputation : 28
Ημερομηνία εγγραφής : 2011-06-06
Ηλικία : 30
Τόπος : Glyfada

ace's Trade Corner Empty
PostSubject: Re: ace's Trade Corner   ace's Trade Corner Icon_minitime1Sun 30 Nov 2014, 13:58

*bump* με τα τελευταία wants σε όλο το YGO Career μου (λογικά)

Looking for: Guardian Dreadscythe, Reaping Scythe - Dreadscythe
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PostSubject: Re: ace's Trade Corner   ace's Trade Corner Icon_minitime1

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