Eipa shmera na pe3w mpas k parw kana booster.Six sam egw
Match 1: Kako Dark World (paidaki)
Game 1: Nikaw paneukola dn 8umamai kan to game
Game 2:Vazw Dimensional Fissure side to travaw k to game teleiwnei ekei
Match 2:Periergo deck alla polu kalo (table 1)
Game 1: 3ekinaw hrema me ena aplo summon zanji.M 3ekinaei teffnuit,stratos bubble man k fernei blade armor ninja,meta fernei k allon enan bubbleman alla dn 8umamai pws kanei attack setarei 2 k teleiwnei,T skaw heavy k kageki kagemusha fernw shien, k eimoun anamesa se bubble man k teffnuit gi attack.Epidh fovomoun ton excalibur kanw epi8esi ston bubbleman k ston epomeno guro topparei Caius
8usiazei ton teffnuit fernei wattail k overlay me caius se bounzer k xanw
Game 2: Looparw me gateway k united k t skaw otk enw eixe zenmaines katw success!
Game 3:Eixa ton elegxo mexri p m fernei bounzer k dn mporousa na ton perasw
Match 3:Wind up
Game 1: Gateway loop ftw
Game 2: Xanw epeidi exei 2 veiler p tous trwne oi kageki
Game 3: Xwris tipota idiaitero
Match 4:Gravekeepers
Game 1: Nikaw eukola xwris tipota idiaitero
Game 2:Exei skatoxero k vazei 4 pisw.Kanw summon zanji k tou kanw epi8esi pou pernaei meta setarw 2 magatama k ena torrential.Pezei setarei alli mia.Pezw summon kageki kagemusha m skaei torrential chain magatama kanei solemn kanw pali magatama
Fernw shien k nikaw
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